
How To Be A Better Lover & Add Zing To Relationship

Gwen Adams

How to be a Better Lover and Add Zing to Your Relationship

After a few years pass, it becomes difficult to maintain the spark in a relationship. We forget that a genuine romantic relationship is a combination of emotional and physical intimacy. It is essential to take time out and express love to your partner through small gestures like hit romantic pick up lines, eye contact, touch, and others.

Sexual love is a crucial part of the relationship, but people are unaware of it. Couples often don’t understand how to love their partner. Due to this, insecurity in relationships arises, and they end up parting ways. Thus, to become a better lover, you need to know what your partner likes. 

Escalate Your Relationship

How to Be a Better Lover Outside the Bedroom

Focus on the Good

The initial phase of any relationship is dreamy and feels like a scene straight out of a movie. We constantly try to show them the best version of ourselves and ignore the little mistakes of our partners during our honeymoon phase. As time passes by, the efforts in understanding them to decrease, leading to fights. Our minds are no more thinking about their good qualities, and we are always ready to point out their smallest mistakes.

Be Responsible for How You Feel

It would be good if you did not focus on your partner’s mistakes and constantly criticized their habits. It will eventually lead you towards sadness, disappointment, and depression. In any healthy relationship, you need first to take responsibility for your feelings and love yourself first to love others wholeheartedly. 

Listen to Your Partner’s Verbal And Non-Verbal Cues

You have to be more attentive and patient to their way of communication. Not all cues have to be said aloud, and sometimes, to be a better lover, you have to understand how they emote and their non-verbal language. Listen to what your partner says through their hands, words, mouth, and body. 

Communicate, Communicate, Communicate

The main fault in every relationship is couples don’t communicate well with each other. They hide things that hurt in the past and hesitate to talk about what’s going wrong. Be patient and take the first step to know what your partner wants, what makes them go crazy, and what makes them feel off. It’s all because of miscommunication or no communication.

Check Your Ego At The Door

Ego is the first factor in ruining any beautiful bond. Whenever things are rough between the two of you, keep your ego aside, take the first move and apologize for your mistakes. 

Don’t Be Afraid To Compliment Her

It’s not about man or woman; it’s about the relationship. If you’re in a relationship, let your partner feel that you notice them, even if you’re in a long-distance relationship. So, a compliment is a good thing. To be the best lover for him or her, make them realize that they’re the best.

Lastly, learn to laugh things off

Holding on to grudges and mistakes can make you feel sad and depressed even around your lover. Let go of those things of the past with laughter, forgive them and move on in life.

Life Outside of Your Relationship

How to Be a Better Lover in the Bedroom

Deal with Intimacy and Sexual Function Issues

Sex life plays a significant role in a relationship. Let’s admit that all relationships go through intimate and sex-related problems. Instead of brushing things under the carpet, a true lover will face them head-on and discuss the possible ways to deal with them. 

Care About Your Partner’s Experience as Much as Your Own

We all need to maintain balance, even when it comes to sexual acts. Focusing too much on spiritual connections or spending too much time on foreplay can cause problems within the bedroom. So try to strike a balance so that the bedroom experience remains enjoyable to both.

Don’t Spend So Much Time Stressing Over Sexual Function

Try to talk things out rather than making a fuss and overly concentrating on things. This will only lead to erosion of both partners’ mental strength and their bedroom drive. This can also cause emotional and sexual frustration as well as lower confidence and mistrust.

Listen More

We need to understand our partners better to love them better. It is necessary to go beyond the surface of those problems and understand the real problem. This will put an end to many arguments. 

Don’t be a selfish lover

To be a good lover, you need to know what to focus on. If you want to be a good partner, you need to think about your partner. You need to know what your romantic partner is enjoying. Doing what you like is being selfish. If they like what you’re doing, you can continue with it. If they’re not comfortable with your actions, stop at once and comfort them.

Slow down

While getting in a physical relationship, some partners often go fast with their pace. It’s not like being fast-forwarded is a pride. It’s more like being a jerk. Don’t classify your love in the name of desire and lust. If you wish to be a passionate lover, then go slow. Be an understanding person instead of being a jerk.

Compliment Your Partner

Final Thoughts

Being a better lover means being the best for your partner. It means to resolve things that are creating conflict in a relationship. A relationship isn’t about how great you’re in bed but how great you’re outside of it as well. Give them your quality time and love them truly, keeping all the above points in mind.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are Emotional Connections Necessary?

It depends on what sort of bonding the two partners want between them. If they only want a sexual relationship, then it is not necessary. But if you want a committed relationship, then it is required.

What is an Emotional Connection?

Emotional Connection happens when the two partners truly love each other. You feel safe around your partner to talk about your vulnerabilities and tell them about your deepest feelings.

What is the best way to become a great lover?

There is no one defined way to become a great lover. Every romantic relationship is different. Hence to become a great lover, you need to go through the article and find out what’s missing in your relationship. 

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